
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

native tree survey

There are more pohutakawa trees than tarata. There are 34 introduced trees. There are 22 native tees.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Santa show

(part 2) Coming form the roof it was in the pump house theater.

Santa show

(part 1) Dear gift a seat, thanks for paying for the movie trips.l loved Santa because he likes everyone but he is worried there were more kids. At the end of the show was amazing because balloons were

Friday, December 6, 2019


Yesterday we were doing tennis the game was called ghost you have to Hit the tennis ball in the square if you don’t you have to be a ghost.

Bar graph

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Horror Story

Today Room 4 we we’re doing story maker. We make our own story l chose a  horror story  in it there was a teacher, forest, snakes, red, scorpions, and a monster. The story was easy to do.